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Blob Loss

Full 111 Page PDF Format Book

The only certain thing in life is that we all die. It may happen before we are born, through a miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion, or later, during childhood, our adult years or as an elderly person. The causes for our death are likely to be old age, a difficult illness or a tragic event. Those who knew us will probably mourn our passing in a variety of ways. Each year in the UK, more than half a million people are remembered at services to mark their life, and to say goodbye. Most, but not all, will involve burial, cremation and a religious aspect to this ceremony. Then there are the memories of those for whom no occasion was ever marked. For example, one in four women will miscarry a child during their lifetime, and that loss may haunt them until it is worked through...
The sheets and cards in this book work best when they are not used as a rigid boundary, but as a launch pad to discussion. The Blobs depict many of the feelings that we may pass through both during a long protracted illness, as well as in sudden, shocking circumstances, but they are incomplete. Use the tools sensitively, aware of the emotions that those you are talking to are journeying through.

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